Meet Faith

Meet Faith
Meet Faith

Friday, May 20, 2011

Here comes the sun...

Faith has never liked the sun much. It's a little funny when you think that she is a true born South Carolina girl. I wonder if it has to do with her Sensory Integration Dysfunction. She feels sensations much more intensely than I (or you) do.

We noticed her dislike of the sun right from the time she was a tiny baby. She would cry and flinch whenever she was in any kind of bright light. Even harsh florescence light would trigger it. It was almost a violent reaction. She would thrash and try to curl herself into a ball.

Car rides were NOT fun.

As she grew, the extreme dislike of the sun continued. We began to refer to her as our vampire girl. Laugh if you want, but she would hiss when taken into the sun. Yes, hiss.

When she finally gained language and she was able to begin to express to us the tangle of intensity that is Faith, she would cry to us, "Da suns! It burns!!! Turns it off!!"

Then she would hiss.

Physically there is no reason we can find for her extreme reaction to the sun. She just "feels" it more. She needs sunglasses to go out for any length of time. She wears them daily to school and her teachers understand and allow her to wear them.

Have I mentioned we now live near Forks WA?

And she still hisses.


  1. You need to put up a photo of her in her awesome vampire cape!

  2. Lulu looks like she's part vampire, too... look at those teeth!

  3. That picture is too cute :)

  4. When I was little, I had trouble with seizures. The medication that I was on... made me react the same way to light, just as your girl does to the sun. It was just painful, I felt like *I* was burning even if its just a single dim bulb inside a dark place. I couldn't stand it if any kind of light was on. It also hurt my eye so badly, it would bring on migraines. I stopped that medication and it got better, but never ever completely better. I am still sensitive to the sun. Which was one of the reasons why I moved to Seattle... from Southern California. Its not supposed to be this sunny up here!

    I know this isn't anything like what your daughter is going through, but I can definitely sympathize. It really can be agony. I'm glad the sunglasses are helping her!
